Wednesday - Vascular Access
12:50 - 1:40 pm
AV Access: Grafts and Fistula Creation, Continengcy and Succession Process of Care
Rick Mishler, MD, FASDIN
Describe the surgical creation of AV graft and both surgical or endovascular creation of an AV fistula.
Describe the surgical intervention utilized as part of the Access PLAN process of care to maintain and preserve AV access.
Describe the process of care of an AV access in the Succession phase of an individual's Access PLAN.
1:45 - 2:35 pm
Hemodialysis Catheter and PD Catheter Placements
Neghae Mawla, MD, FASDIN
Describe the placement of a hemodialysis catheter.
Discuss the PD catheter placement procedure and the post-op care.
3:30 - 4:20 pm AND
4:25 - 5:05 pm
Each session is designed to be interactive, not a lecture. Each session will be repeated twice,with class sizes limited to no more than 75.
Assessment and cannulation of a new surgical AVF, EndoAVF of AV graft as per the KDOQI VA Guidelines
Forest Rawls, Emory Healthcare
Discuss the access assessment utilized prior to the cannulation as part of the individual's Access PLAN Contingency phase.
Review the cannulation methods of rope ladder and buttonhole.
Access Dysfunction- Pre and Post Intervention Care by the Dialysis Care Team
Neghae Mawla, MD, FASDIN
Review the clinical indications of access dysfunction for AVF, AVG, or catheter
Describe the common interventions to treat access dysfunction.
Review the role of the dialysis care team in the pre and post intervention process of care.
Wednesday: Patient Point of View
Learning Objectives:
Listen to your patients to better understand what creating the most successful dialysis treatment means to them
Understand what the patient hears and sees during treatment
12:50 - 1:40 pm
From Diagnosis to Dialysis
Sam Trevino
Sam will share his story of being diagnosed with ESKD shortly after his wedding. He will share his feelings of disbelief, being frightened by the whole dialysis process and which technicians helped him - and why.
1:45 - 2:35 pm
My Dialysis Journey
Christina Gilchrist
Michael Gilchrist
Christina will tell about her dialysis journey and how she has triumphed in having as normal a life (with a little danger) as possible, with the help of her husband, Michael.
3:30 - 4:20 pm AND
4:25 - 5:05 pm
Each session is designed to be interactive, not a lecture. Each session will be repeated twice,with class sizes limited to no more than 75.
Patient / Care Giver / Donor
Sam Trevino
Lacye Trevino
When Sam was diagnosed with ESKD, Lacye was his care giver and then his donor. When Lacye was diagnosed with GBS, she underwent acute dialysis - with Sam understanding what could happen if it didn't work.
Dialysis Patients Compare Notes
Christina Gilchrist
Brandie Jackson
We've heard both Brandie and Christina's story separately. Now, you have a chance to ask them questions and get both their answers at the same time.
Wednesday: Infection Control & Prevention
Learning Objectives:
Identify unsafe practices that put nephrology patients at risk for infection in dialysis settings.
Describe proper infection control techniques.
Help technicians understand the WHY of infection control and WHO they are protecting
12:50 - 1:40 pm
Keeping Patients and Staff Safe with Infection Prevention Procedures
Nancy Welder Director of Regulatory Affairs, Infection Control Specialist, DaVita
1:45 - 2:35 pm
Helping Patients Understand Communicable Diseases & Immunizations
Naomi Carbone, Infection Preventionist Manager, DaVita
3:30 - 4:20 pm AND
4:25 - 5:05 pm
Each session is designed to be interactive, not a lecture. Each session will be repeated twice,with class sizes limited to no more than 75.
Disinfection of Dialysis Station Case Studies
Naomi Carbone, Infection Preventionist Manager, DaVita
Road map to Engaging Patients and Families in Hygiene
Nancy Welder Director of Regulatory Affairs, Infection Control Specialist, DaVita